So, I've gotten up at the Dagonnoth Mother boss in the quest "Blood Running Deep". I'm aware of what goes on during the fight. the colour changes, you gotta change fighting style... etc. This is something I'm in a position to accomplish, since I've got all the tools for RuneScape gold such a fight.
The problem is that I'll strike it with Balmung which will take away large portion of its health. Then, it's colors become active. From that point it's impossible to do any harm. It'll switch to blue, and even if I try to make use of water spell (water wave) it'll simply end up not working or doing no harm, as the mom will end up continuously switching from blue to red and back. I'm not able do any harm to either using fire and water magic...
At some point, it will be able to stop attacking me and be silent with me, in the event that I logout... Are you able to help? The quest is unstable since the launch of EOC. Prior to my completion of the quest back in March, someone told me in the Sals cc that they were able to complete the quest with no Balmung even once. Personally, I was able to take out Mother. Mother before it changed color.
The Mother has been recently upgraded, however. I'll verify this using Dominion Tower. Dominion Tower. In the mean time I'd recommend home teleporting out, and then attempting again (you do not have to kill the sentinels a second time I'm sure). This is what I did on buy runescape 3 gold Dominion Tower. Dominion Tower. I thought it was normal. Here's how I went about it. I smashed it with an Axe.