Riesgos de la Abdominoplastia
Aunque las complicaciones graves ocurren raramente, la cirugÃa estética de abdomen, también llamada abdominoplastia, implica algunos...
How long do you have to wear the garment?
Most important is to follow your surgeon's advise. He/She has specific reasons for their recommendations. The most common is wear their...
How Safe is Brazilian Butt Lift?
Although the Brazilian butt lift is generally considered a safe procedure, complications can occasionally occur. The vast majority of...
Is it possible to have muscle repair without Tummy Tuck? Es posible hacerse reparación muscular sin
I would love to tell you that it is possible, but unfortunately it is NOT possible to perform muscle repair without an abdominoplasty,...
Abdominoplastia o Liposucción
La decisión sobre si hacerme una abdominoplastia (Tummy Tuck) o Liposucción es realmente muy simple, si puedes responder a estas 3...
Tummy Tuck or Liposuction
The decision on whether to do an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or Liposuction is actually quite simple if you can just break it down to...